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How Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Can Help Sleep

Struggling through the night, engaging in endless sheep counting, might indicate that cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is the solution you need for improved rest. By altering your mental process...

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Feeling exhausted from lack of sleep leads to eating unhealthily and gaining weight
Bad Sleep

How Bad Sleep Could be Triggering Your Weight Gain

Sleep loss (lack of sleep, sleep deprivation or Insomnia) is a massive problem among adults worldwide. Health issues aside, not getting enough sleep regularly can lead to what might at first seem ...

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Blog posts

5 trendy beauty traps to avoid

5 trendy beauty traps to avoid

One minute you’re told it’s the best thing to hit the market, the next minute everyone is saying it’s harmful… When it comes to health and beauty, the advice can be tricky to navigate. So we’re her...

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5 new health heroes

5 new health heroes

Our projection for 2024 is marking it as the zenith of prime health, initiated by focusing on superior sleep quality. While we've shared tips on establishing healty sleep rituals before, we've iden...

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A sleep ritual for everyone

A sleep ritual for everyone

Establishing the importance of sleep as a foundation for health is undeniable. It serves as the catalyst for mental acuity, physical restoration, and emotional balance. However, the quality of your...

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