Summer Sleep Guide
The survival guide for hot sleepless nights:
The official start of summer signals longer nights spent drinking, warmer evenings, festivities, and an abundance of good times!
But, if you share our experience, summer means a different reality:
- The season's high pollen count acts as a trigger for nighttime allergy flare-ups.
- Elevated nighttime temperatures disrupt our usual sleep patterns, leading to increased restlessness.
- More social engagements at night lead to higher alcohol consumption, which often results in long hours of insomnia.
- Sleeping with open windows means more external light and noise disturbances, making it harder to fall asleep.
The challenges continue to add up!
This is the reason behind our creation of a survival guide for those hot, sleepless nights. If the prospect of the next few months being even more devoid of rest than usual stresses you out, this list is tailored for you:
The natural cycle of your body temperature peaks towards the evening and declines during sleep. Small alterations in this pattern can lead to sleep disturbances. Being conscious of your temperature trends and preparing for them is essential.
Our top three tips for maintaining comfortable temperatures in summer include:
- Investing in a reliable fan, which aids in temperature control and helps drown out intrusive external noises.
- Using a thin cotton sheet for bedding. For extra cooling during extreme heat, dampening the sheet slightly can be effective.
- Keeping separate bedding is a must! Cozying up with a partner might be pleasant in colder months, but in summer, the additional heat from both bodies can increase discomfort. Individual bedding ensures both of you can manage your sleep environment better.
For the 13 million people in the UK affected by hay fever, the continuous itching in the eyes and nose can be a significant hindrance to a good night's sleep. To help lessen these symptoms, we recommend the following three strategies:
- Drinking green tea may provide relief from your hay fever symptoms.
- A hot shower before going to bed can effectively remove pollen from your skin and hair.
- Using freshly laundered bedding can help prevent pollen from outside from affecting your sleep environment.
Eating & Drinking
For the 13 million people in the EU affected by hay fever, the continuous itching in the eyes and nose can be a significant hindrance to a good night's sleep. To help lessen these symptoms, we recommend the following three strategies:
- Drinking green tea may provide relief from your hay fever symptoms.
- A hot shower before going to bed can effectively remove pollen from your skin and hair.
- Using freshly laundered bedding can help prevent pollen from outside from affecting your sleep environment.
Noise & Light
Lowering the bedroom temperature is effective when windows are left open to increase air circulation. Yet, this can let in unwanted noise from outside, breaking the calmness of your room. Moreover, additional light exposure can interfere with your circadian rhythm, leading to disrupted sleep cycles. To address noise and light interference, consider these top three tips:
- Invest in a premium sleep mask to shield your eyes from all room light.
- Employ earplugs or a sound machine generating white noise to drown out external noises.
- Listen to playlists designed for sleeping on Spotify at a low volume, or use binaural beats for deeper tranquility.
Here’s to a great summer of good quality sleep!!!
Get Drowsy. Sleep Better.